Positive Movement Through Re-education


Madeleine Perrone established Body in Motion in 1995 and offers classes and individual sessions in the Feldenkrais Method® of movement re-education. Madeleine is certified by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America since 1994. As a movement specialist she is dedicated to working with individuals who wish to enhance their life. Changing habitual patterns can have a positive effect on the way we perceive situations, feel and act in our lives, environment and in our relationships. The goal is to restore function for a variety of physical problems, prevent injury and improve movement skills and performance. Body in Motion is based in Cambria, serving the Central Coast - San Luis Obispo County. Madeleine also offers classes in Fresno and other locations in California.


Online ZOOM Classes

Awareness Through Movement (ATM) Classes

(You receive a verbal recording of each class)

"Improving Balance"

$54 per 4 class series

Mondays at 3:30 – 4:45pm (PST)

Monday #1 Sessions: June 6, 13, 20 ,27

Thursdays at 1:00 – 2:15pm (PST)

Thursday #1 Sessions: June 9, 16, 20, 30

"Move Smarter"

$78 per 6 class series

Mondays at 3:30 – 4:45pm (PST)

Monday #2 Sessions: July 18, 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22

Thursdays at 1:00 – 2:15pm (PST)

Thursday #2 Sessions: July 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25

Move Smarter - 6 classes
Improving Balance

Online Classes



As presented on the recent PBS program, Brain and Neuroplasticity, scientists now know that we continue to create new pathways in the brain as we age. These ideas were not new to Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, creator of the Feldenkrais Method®.

The classes are unique and challenging, combining movements that seem unrelated at first but later connect to an entire action, making the lessons diverse and interesting. Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) group classes take place on the floor; yet there are many lessons that are experienced sitting, standing, or walking. These lessons are verbally directed using attention and imagination. The movements are subtle, which helps to develop awareness. They help the student learn to relax and abandon habitual patterns that no longer serve to enhance ease of movement.

The other technique used in the Feldenkrais Method® is Functional Integration® (FI), which are private lessons with a Feldenkrais practitioner. Sessions usually take place on a low table or chair, where the practitioner suggests movement possibilities by gently moving the student, thus re-educating the nervous system.

The FI session is so gentle and non-intrusive, that you will be surprised how effective it can be! This is because this method is based on viewing the body's potential and not its limitations. It does not focus on tight muscles, weak muscles, misalignment, or structural deficiencies. Instead, both FI and AMT focus on the re-education of habitual patterns that can create pain.

The Feldenkrais Method ® offers several benefits to our well-being:

• Move with flexibility and strength

• Be rid of aches and pains

• Acquire tools to improve your fitness practice; yoga, golf, running, etc.

• Find new possibilities

• Learn to organize ourselves more efficiently

• Action becomes easier, more fluid, and more enjoyable through awareness

How does it work? It combines the understanding of physics, judo, yoga, anatomy, neurophysiology, learning theory, developmental movement patterns, and biochemistry. In offering new ways of thinking about movement, it is a continual learning experience for anyone, at any age.

Madeleine Perrone is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner. She works with adults and children using the Feldenkrais Method to enhance performance, to make the impossible possible and the easy elegant. She offers private sessions, ongoing classes and workshops year round.



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Body In Motion